Tel: (02)
Fax:(02) 99050877
Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm
Sat - 9am - 12pm
732 Pittwater Rd
Brookvale NSW
The battery
At the moment you are loosing expensive
unburnt fuel into the atmosphere,
through your vehicles exhaust system.
Magnoflow allows your engine to burn and
use all that wasted fuel, which
definitely ads Mileage and Saves you
In simple terms, Magnoflow breaks down
the fuel clusters allowing you to use up
to 100% of your fuel.
Installation is very quick and simple. Call or
use our booking form to request a booking with
for a quick reliable installation service.
What people say..........
Visit Magnoflow
here |
was amazed, I went from completely skeptical to
convinced ,I have been driving with the Magnoflow for
the past 4 months and with today's fuel prices, I
wouldn't drive without it.
have recently purchased and fitted the Magnoflow fuel
saving device to my 1998 3.5Ltr Mitsubishi Verada.
Having never been able to get more than 400kms per 65Ltr
tank (City Driving), I' ve been looking for more a fuel
efficient system without having to convert to gas.
Magnoflow was just the ticket, I actually get around 50
- 65kms extra per tank, every tank, and it was easy to
install, I am
so impressed with the product that I installed one in my
wife's car.
installation available, or installation instructions
provided, can easily be mailed out just call 99050366